KI-Website-Builder ohne CodeGehe von Idee zum Online in weniger als 5 Minuten

Erstellen Sie atemberaubende, startbereite Websites mit dem KI-Website-Maker von Neo. 

Keine Codierung oder Designkompetenz benötigt.

Mehr als 30.000 Unternehmen vertrauen uns

Domain, Webseite und E-Mail —alles in einem, alles sofort über den AI Website Builder von Neo verbunden

Wähle eine Domain ODER bring deine eigene

Lassen Sie AI Website Maker Ihre Website erstellen

Holen Sie sich eine geschäftliche E-Mail @yourdomain

All-in-One-Suite, um Zeit und Geld zu sparen

Wählen Sie aus wunderschön gestalteten Vorlagen für jedes Unternehmen

Marketing agency

Fashion retail store

Transport & Logistics

Profile and Bio


Beauty Salon and Spa's

Home & Repair

Neos KI-Webseitenersteller
Kein Code • Keine Einrichtung • Einfach zu bedienen • Plug-and-Play

Gebrauchsfertige Abschnitte für Ihre Dienstleistungen, Produkte und mehr...

Neos KI-Homepage-Baukasten:
Mehr als nur eine gut aussehende Seite

Site analytics

Tauch tief ein, ertrinke nicht! Verfolgen Sie die Besucheraktivitäten und treffen Sie datengestützte Entscheidungen.

Contact form for leads

Find leads on your website and meet them in your Inbox!

Regenerate content with AI

Regenerate content and design in seconds until it clicks perfectly with your brand!

ai website builder for businesses

Für Online-Dienstanbieter

Verwandeln Sie Klicks in Kunden. Präsentieren Sie Ihr Arbeitsspektrum und erfassen Sie mühelos Leads mit den leistungsstarken Website-Tools von Neo Site.

For retail store owners

From shelf to site—create a digital storefront that's as inviting as your physical shop, and keep your audience updated about what's in (your) store!

For freelancers

Build a vibrant, professional portfolio that attracts prospects and convert them by enabling them to get in touch with you easily.

For offline service providers

Make your offline business discoverable online and broaden your reach. Use Neo Site to effectively publish and showcase what you offer, and grow your customer base.

A Neo plan for everyone

Save 20%
Save 20%
Save 20%
Website Storage

Storage capacity per mailbox

1 GB
10 GB
50 GB
Custom Domain

Single-page website template with logo, social links, WhatsApp and contact form

AI powered
AI website generation

Neo mail on desktop web

20 times
500 times
Unlimited - Latest AI model
AI copy assist

Check your Neo email on other mail apps

50 times
500 times
Unlimited - Latest AI model
Site customizations

Send good-looking personalised emails to multiple recipients at once, and keep the recipient list to yourself. You can also track who opened your email.

Font themes

Create a unique meeting link and enable clients, customers, and team members to find time on your calendar and seamlessly schedule meetings with you.

Standard Fonts
Standard Fonts
Premium Fonts
Color themes

Create your signature with logo, links, and HTML code

Curated for Template
Stock images

Know when someone opens an email you sent

High quality images
Image gallery

Get ready-to-use email drafts in seconds for any requirement, powered by Neo AI. All your cold emails, pitches, negotiations, and responses to enquiries are now taken care of!

10 images
500 images
List your products
10 products
500 products
List your services
10 services
500 services
YouTube video

Single-page website template with logo, social links, WhatsApp and contact form


See only emails from senders you mark as Priority

Visitor analytics

See only emails from senders you mark as Priority

Contact Forms

Know when someone opens an email you sent


Save emails to reuse repeatedly. Template Library with pre-written emails included.

Business contact info

Get ready-to-use email drafts in seconds for any requirement, powered by Neo AI. All your cold emails, pitches, negotiations, and responses to enquiries are now taken care of!

Remove Neo Branding

Add a Gmail account to get new emails


Alias of your email address to segregate emails like sales or support. It simply forwards the received email.

Support 24x7
Support 24x7
Priority Chat support 24x7

Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht helfen Sie kleinen Unternehmen beim Wachstum

Unsere Mission bei Neo ist es, kleine Unternehmen zu stärken, indem wir den Prozess der Online-Nutzung vereinfachen und eine professionelle Präsenz aufbauen. Mit Neo kann jeder seine Marke lancieren, verbessern und ausbauen, ohne Programmierkenntnisse oder technisches Know-how zu benötigen. Wir bieten alles, was Sie benötigen — einschließlich einer Domain — und sparen Ihnen Zeit und Geld, sodass Sie sich auf das konzentrieren können, was Sie am besten können: das Wachstum Ihres Unternehmens.

Gestalten Sie Ihre Website mit dem AI Website Builder KOSTENLOS in wenigen Minuten

Wählen Sie den Tarif, der am besten zu Ihnen passt, und nutzen Sie die Funktionen von Neo Site 15 Tage lang kostenlos.


KOSTENLOSE 15-Tage-Testversion

  • Testen Sie eine vollständige Website mit Domainnamen
  • Keine Codierung ODER Einrichtung erforderlich
  • Sparen Sie Hunderte von Dollar und Stunden an Zeit
  • Online-Support rund um die Uhr

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an AI website builder?

An AI website builder is an innovative tool that leverages artificial intelligence to help you create stunning, effective websites tailored to your needs without any coding required. It's designed to simplify your web design process, making it easy and accessible for everyone, whether launching a new business or refreshing an existing one.

What is Neo Site?

Neo Site is an offering from Neo that helps you bring your brand online in minutes with a custom website using AI. Neo's AI website builder will generate a ready-to-launch website which you can further customize as needed using our stunning website templates and easy-to-use site editor. Whichever way you choose, you can further customize your website as needed.

Neo is a business growth suite that helps your business grow online with services such as a website, a domain name, and a business email address. The business email service includes a custom email address and powerful features that enable small businesses to strengthen their brand.

Made from extensive customer feedback and research, Neo’s simple interface allows ease of use while its reliability makes sure your business scales smoothly.

What are the alternate terms for AI website builder?

AI website builder can be referred to as AI website creator/AI website maker/AI website generator.

How to use Neo's AI website builder/AI website creator ?

When you start building your website using Neo's AI website builder, you simply need to share your business name and description. Neo AI will work on your request and shortly create a stunning website for you. Once you have the output, you can regenerate the design, content, or the entire website as many times as you like.

You can further customize and adjust this website, including copy, images, color themes, fonts, and more.

Can AI build my website end-to-end using Neo's website builder?

Yes, Neo AI Website Builder can build you a complete website that is ready to go live.

Do I need a domain name to use Neo's AI website builder?

Yes, to create a website, you need a domain (example: you don’t have a domain yet, you can get one from Neo for free, through your website's first billing cycle, while signing up for a website.

If you already have a domain you’d like to use, you can create a website based on that.

What do I need to pay for while using Neo's AI website builder?

You only need to pay for the website you create on Neo.

If you don't own a domain name, Neo will provide one free of cost through your website's first billing cycle.

What does the free trial mean?

You can try our AI website builder for 15 days and publish your site for free. After the 15-day free trial ends, you'll need to renew your subscription to continue using Neo.

Will my Neo website open on mobile devices?

Yes, all our templates are optimized for all devices and screen sizes to ensure they look perfect no matter where you view them.

Can I cancel my subscription on Neo's website builder?

If Neo doesn't work out for you, you can cancel your subscription anytime, you won't be charged for the next billing cycle. 

Whom can I contact for further assistance?

You can reach out to us at at any time.