Create an Operational Business Plan in 7 Steps

August 12, 2024
14 Minutes
Modified on:
August 12, 2024
Written by:
Swati Bucha
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Create a Strategic Business Plan: Operations & Execution

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Businesses may utilize operational plans to lay out objectives, set reasonable timelines, and define expectations. They can increase productivity and efficiency at work by studying how to write compelling and thorough operational plans. An operations plan specifying goals and objectives may be made using various techniques.

What is an Operational Business Plan?

An operational business plan is a detailed document that gives a window into the company's mission, vision, goals, and operational techniques that will steer it in the right direction. It is a pathway, a helpful instrument for the organization that gives answers on, for example, resource allocation, the running of operations, and efficiency measurement. 

An operational business plan is an indispensable tool for entrepreneurs to make the right decisions, create new opportunities, and ensure the business's sustainable long-term development goals. By establishing strategic directions, dealing with risks, procuring funding, and promoting accountability, businesses can overcome barriers and get the maximum benefit.

Why Do Businesses Need an Operational Business Plan?


A proper business plan is a must for any business, regardless of its size and industry, as it is like a roadmap to help reach success. It is common as it gives a clear vision and a specific direction, defining tactics, strategies, and objectives to achieve them. Companies must prioritize their chores and delegate resources adequately with a clear plan.

Let’s look at the reasons why an operational plan is a significant part of your business strategy: 

1. Providing Strategic Direction and Focus.

An operational business plan delivers strategic orientation and specialization by describing short-term and long-term goals. It lays out the boxes of reaching these objectives; this allows the companies to stay focused even when the market changes or the customers embrace different products.

2. Ensuring Risk Mitigation and Adaptability.

Companies can identify business threats and problems using inclusive market studies and competitors' analysis. An operational business plan provides a way to preemptively manage such risks and change strategies to take advantage of opportunities in a changing business environment.

3. Overcoming the Fear of Funding and Stakeholder Consent.

A properly drafted business plan is vital in getting investment funds from investors or lenders. You can use Google Workspace to draft a solid business plan streamlining operations. It shows you have researched the market, identified the business plan’s growth potential, and have a path to profit, thus inspiring confidence in stakeholders to provide you with the financial support needed for business initiatives.

4. Measuring Performance and Holding the Leadership Accountable.

An operational business plan is an important accountability tool, ensuring that the organization's goals and performance metrics are set. Teams can monitor growth, pinpoint mistakes, spot and reward accomplishments, build a culture of persistent improvement, and earn overall business influence. You must schedule appointments with your clients and discuss the minutes with the team to enhance the outcomes. 

Key Components of an Operational Business Plan

An operational business plan comprises several key components essential for guiding the organization toward its objectives: 

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary introduces the whole business plan and highlights its salient points, such as the company's mission, the aims, and the proposed strategies.

2. Business Description

This business plan component is highly focused and provides details, such as type of venture, products and services, market segment, competitive environment, and unique selling points.

3. Market Analysis

Market analysis is a comprehensive process involving the evaluation of industry trends, customer needs, competition, potential market openings, and information critical for making strategic decisions. Based on the market analysis, you need to create marketing strategies. There are various forms of marketing, including email marketing through email newsletters, social media marketing, and many other things.

4. Operational Strategies

Operational strategies essentially describe how the business plans to function effectively, utilizing methods such as production processes, supply chain management, quality control, and technology utilization.

5. Financial Projections

The financial projections involve expected revenues, expenses, cash flow statements, and breakeven analysis to evaluate the business's financial viability and long-term sustainability.

6. Implementation Plan:

The plan encompasses the project schedule, tasks, responsibilities, and milestones. It outlines the implementation of how the execution strategies were developed in the business plan and how the progress was effectively monitored.

7. Risk Management

Preparing for assessing possible risks and developing contingency plans to respond to them is what the business should do to protect itself against unpredictable obstacles or threats.

8. Monitoring and Evaluation

The setting of metrics and performance indicators facilitates performance monitoring and evaluation of the business progression towards its objectives in a continuous fashion, thus permitting the implementation of timely changes and upgrades when needed.

Crafting an Operational Business Plan


Crafting an operational business plan is critical to any business as this is the key to setting the business's targeted goals, strategies, and tactics. It defines the strategies and guidelines for success, thus ensuring productive use of available resources and effective decision-making.

1. Conducting Market Research for Your Operational Business Plan.

Market research is the most important part of creating an operational business plan. It means getting data on your intended audience, competitors' market trends, and the industry. This will assist you in defining your target market, familiarizing yourself with their needs and preferences, and analyzing the competition. After conducting thorough market research, you can decide on pricing, positioning, and marketing strategies. This is the right way to create opportunities for success.

2. Setting Realistic Goals and Objectives in Your Operational Business Plan.

To ensure the success of any work plan, it is essential to set clear and achievable aims and objectives. To do this, you must have a sense of direction and purpose. Goals should be defined in a way that makes them specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. When defining goals and objectives for your company, it's important to consider its core strengths and weaknesses, trends in the market, and industry standards. Setting attainable goals and objectives can motivate your team, keep track of progress, and make any necessary changes.

3. Building Plans and Techniques to Reach Your Objectives.

After you have identified your target and objectives, the next thing to do is develop the strategies and tactics to help you achieve these goals. Strategies are the broad approaches that tell you how you will attain your goals, while tactics are the specific actions or initiatives you will take to support those strategies. In strategy and tactics of development, consider your market segment, competitive advantages and resources, and market trends. By doing so, you can produce a comprehensive and well-thought-out action plan.

4. Creating an Organizational Structure and Assigning Responsibilities.

The operational business plan requires a well-defined organizational structure, and roles and responsibilities must be clearly defined. As a result of such an approach, people from all company positions unanimously know their role. While developing an organizational structure, establish the optimal size of the company, the complexity of the production, and the skills and needs of your employees. Closely define the reporting lines, generate communication channels, and share the responsibility to roll out smooth operations and make the staff accountable.

5. Financial Analysis and Budgeting in Your Operational Business Plan.

Financial analysis and budgeting are the key features of an operational plan of action. They guide you in your business's profitability and break-even point determination, investment allocation, and monitoring performance. Perform a financial statement analysis by investigating your earning streams, expenses, break-even points, and cash flow. Bring this information to learn how to create a realistic budget that matches your priorities and objectives. Make it a point to periodically assess and revise your financial projections to ensure that, from a financial standpoint, your business remains stable and on track.

6. Implementing and Monitoring Your Operational Business Plan.

To make your operational business plan successful, you need full communication, execution well, and continuous control. Communicate the plan to your team so everyone understands their roles and contributions. Create a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) to help you track progress and monitor them regularly to ensure you hit your targets. Monitor market conditions, customer feedback, and performance metrics to identify problems and adjust appropriately. Consistently deliver information on the achieved milestones and result in positive outcomes.

7. Updating and Reviewing Your Operational Business Plan.

An operational business plan is a dynamic document that requires constant updating and review. When your business is going through changes and markets are expanding and contracting, it is wise to audit and update your plan. Make sure to carve out time to review the main plan at least once yearly, if needed. Assess your strategies and tactics to see if they need adjustment, update the financial projections, and implement any further revisions. By constantly revising and monitoring your operational business plan, you can make it widely applicable and efficient in achieving your business success.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Operational Business Planning

An operational business plan constitutes detailed work and an advanced strategic approach. Nevertheless, frequent mistakes often obstruct the implementation and may prevent the plan’s success.

Avoiding mistakes in operational business planning is worthwhile, as it can facilitate the development of more effective and sustainable strategies. Through creating specific goals, keeping risks low, designing realistic financial projections, planning the implementation, and monitoring progress, businesses can greatly increase their success potential and achieve their long-term objectives. Look for some key pitfalls to avoid when building a successful operational business plan.

1. Inadequate Definition of Goals.

If definite and attainable goals are specified, the organization will be in a state of haze and clarity. Establishing clear, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals is vital to staying focused on achieving the overall objectives of the business plan.

2. Inadequate Market Research.

Ignoring market research can lead to poor estimations about buyers’ expectations, market tendencies, and competitors’ strategies. Thorough market research is essential in an organization's branding since it gives the management the knowledge they need to make good decisions and develop good strategies.

3. Overlooking Risk Management.

Neglecting to recognize and address risks can leave the business vulnerable to unexpectedly challenging situations or disruptions. Integrating risk management strategies into the business plan mitigates risks and enhances resilience.

4. Unrealistic Financial Projections.

Financial mismanagement can occur from overly optimistic financial projections, damaging the business plan's credibility and implementation. Financial projections must rely on credible data, anticipated plausible outcomes, and lower probable estimations.

5. Planning Implementation.

A zero focus on the implementation plan indicates that execution will likely fail. A practical implementation strategy, including timelines, tasks, assignments, and resources, is necessary for the plan to be successful.

6. Lack of Monitoring and Failure to Respond Accordingly.

Failure to monitor progress and manage changes that arise after implementing the business plan will likely result in missed opportunities or inefficient strategies. The major performance indicators (KPIs) should be routinely monitored and evaluated to adjust and refine them for continuous betterment.

Wrapping Up,

To sum up, building a working operational business plan is an inseparable part of a successful business strategy. In doing so, you’ll have a detailed strategy that fits your expectations, explains your goals, and indicates direction for progress. It is essential to conduct thorough market research, have feasible goals, objectives, strategies, and tactics, build the organizational structure, analyze the financials, implement and control the plan, and constantly update and review it.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a business plan for the operations?

A business plan to implement operations includes the company's daily procedures and strategies to realize its strategic goals. It portrays how these operational areas, including production, marketing, finance, and human resource management, will support the business goals.

2. Why is a business operating plan important?

A complete business plan indicates who will do what and helps the company achieve its strategic goals. It strengthens efficiency, minimizes risks, and guides decision-making to ensure the strategy moves in the right direction.

3. What are the main parts of the operational guide?

The main components include mission, vision, operational strategies, organizational structure, resource allocation, performance metrics, risk management, and contingency alternatives.

4. What steps involve drawing up an operational business plan?

The business creates operational planning by

  • Comparing current organizational status and goal setting as well as strategy development
  • Resource allocation and implementation,
  • Re-rolling to results and changing the environment.

5. How often should businesses revise and amend their operational plans?

The operational business plan should undergo a periodic review and revision, usually every quarter or annually, to keep it in line with the changes in market conditions, business priorities, and internal issues. Periodic reviews are imperative for keeping up-to-date with the dynamics and consistency in realizing business goals.

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