How to Create an Email Signature: 15 Templates for a Professional Look

October 7, 2024
13 Minutes
Modified on:
October 7, 2024
Written by:
Swati Bucha
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How to Create an Email Signature: 15 Templates for a Professional Look

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Inked signatures and their importance haven’t diminished over time. They have simply changed their form into professional email signatures. Such signatures can be the primary identity for your brand. Yes, a professional email signature informs the receiver about who you are, which organization you originally represent, and your designation within that organization.

When it comes to creating professional emails, you may be confused about subject lines, visuals, headlines, and calls to action. You may even miss adding an email signature, a crucial hygiene aspect that makes your messages look more professional. What would you do to ensure you do not miss out on adding this crucial element to your email?

The answer is professional email signature templates. That’s why this article will present the top 10 email signature template lists for professional purposes. By using these well-crafted samples, you will know what makes a great email signature and how to come up with your unique digital sign-off.

15 Email Signature Templates for a Professional Look

Several online platforms enable you to create an email signature instantly. However, it is also necessary for you to know the format of the signature to ensure you do not end up making errors. Here is a glimpse of the 15 best email signature templates that can give your message a professional look:

1. Simple Email Signature

Your email signature should be wrapped up in 2-3 lines of text, which means you should not overthink it. Here’s a template for the simpler version:

Your Name

Title (optional), Company (linked to the official website)

Phone number

2. Straightforward Email Signature

Here is another simplified signature for professionals who want to keep their signature clear and straightforward in their emails:


Position | Company Name



3. Branded Email Signature

Here is another template for a simple email signature, but this time, it is more customized according to the brand. You may also add your brand colors to this particular signature to give it a more professional look:

Name | Position

Contact Information

Company Logo

4. Social Media Branded Email Signature

Sales representatives may often want to include their LinkedIn profiles. On the other hand, a few job seekers might argue they are more active on Twitter (now X). Here is a sample email signature template that can help you connect with potential sales candidates through various social media channels. 

Company Logo | Name

Position, Company

Business Phone Number

[Icon links to social media profile]

5. Professional Expertise Signature

If you have any service or product you want to tell the world about, then this email signature template is for you. You may also use it to promote a blog post that expertly outlines what you have to offer on your brand’s behalf. 




6. Email Signature with Loaded Contact Information

This email signature template is for you in case you have various forms of contact information plus various social channels:








7. Call-to-action (CTA) Email Signature

This is a specific line of text that prompts your recipient to take some kind of action. The action you want the person or entity to take could be just about anything: attending an event, scheduling a demo, downloading sales collateral, etc.



Company | Address


8. Visual Email Signature

Individuals often remember visuals better than text. But there is a specific kind of image that can make your email signature especially memorable. Of course, adding a mountain view to your signature will not make anyone remember it. However, if you add something similar to the following email signature template, everyone will remember it:

Image | Name

Position, Company Name

Phone Number | Website | CTA

Social Networks

9. Contact Information with Company Address Email Signature

A few professionals prefer to put their company address in their email signature, too. This particular information is added apart from their contact information. Here is how the signature template looks:


Position | Company




Company Address

10. Animated Email Signature

The best way to stand out among the crowd when drafting an email signature is to add a GIF to it. Here is a template that shows how effective animation helps bring your digital signature to life:


Your Position | Company Address

Contact Details

11. Legal Disclaimer Email Signature

A few industries may require an email disclaimer to ensure compliance, depending on your role. 

An email disclaimer is a statement at the end of an email that includes confidentiality notices, legal or liability disclaimers, and other relevant information.

If including a disclaimer is needed in your messages, attaching it to the bottom of your email signature is a smart way to ensure compliant messaging.


Designation | Company Name


Contact Number


12. Graphic Designed Email Signature

A few people prefer to avoid simple email signatures and like to add something more eye-catching. These signatures will have to be designed by a graphic designer or created with the help of an email signature generator.

Here is a template of a graphic-designed email signature that uses various branded elements and follows the color palette of the particular brand.

Graphic-designed Logo 

Name | Designation

Email Address

Contact Details

Company Details

13. Profile Image Email Signature

Your email signature would look more professional if you added your profile photo to it. This makes your recipient trust your credibility and look forward to communicating with your company. Here is an email signature template that you may consider using for this purpose:

Photo | Name


Contact Details

Link to Social Media Profiles

14. Email Signature with Booking Links

If you have a meeting-oriented or client-facing role, then you must include a booking link in your professional email signature. This enables you to avoid a lengthy email thread to schedule a meeting. 



Contact Details

Links to Social Media Profiles

Booking Links

15. Email Signature with Name and Affiliation

Sometimes, you may want to emphasize branding more than giving an introduction to yourself. So, you need an email signature template that showcases your affiliation with a particular organization.

Your Name | Designation | Organization Logo/Name

Email ID


Steps to Create the Best Email Signature

Since an email signature appears at the end of your emails, you must be careful about the content you add to it. Checking an email signature template enables you to know the do’s and don’ts associated with it. 

Meanwhile, here are the common steps to create a professional email signature:

1. Add Your First and Last Name 

This is specifically a non-negotiable, mandatory element that you must add to your email signatures. People always want to know who they are communicating with, especially in emails. So, adding your first and last name is a legit way to gain their trust instantly.

2. Add Your Affiliation Information

You can make your email signature more professional by adding your affiliation information to it. This involves adding either the company logo, name, or image to ensure its credibility in front of the email recipient.

3. Add Secondary Contact Information

Email is not the only way your clients, customers, or stakeholders would want to reach out to you. So, why not add your additional contact details, too? Yes, we are talking about adding your contact number and social media profile links to an email signature.

4. Add Your Social Profile Icons

If you want to reinforce your brand better, you must include relevant information in your email signature. Consider including links to all your social media pages along with your digital signature. This enables you to market your social channels and also provides your contacts with another way to reach you.

5. Add a call to action

If you want to give your work an extra boost, then add a CTA at the end of your email signature. However, you must make sure to choose a CTA that aligns with either of your current business goals. You may have to update it once your goal changes over time.

6. Add Booking Links

If you frequently handle client meetings, you must add a booking link at the end of your email signature. This link enables your leads and prospects to schedule a call with you instantly for business talks, deals, and other relevant discussions.

7. Add Legal Requirements

This particular email signature element may be needed in some roles and completely unnecessary in a few others. That all depends on the specific role you have in your organization. The financial, legal, and insurance industries have certain rules about email usage and etiquette to protect their private information. So, if you belong to either of these industries, make sure to add a legal disclaimer. 

Understanding an Email Signature

An email signature is a block of text at the end of an email that includes your professional contact details and company branding. Some signatures also contain images, hyperlinks, and other clickable call-to-actions (CTAs). These additions help promote offers, products, and services relevant to the email recipient.

An email signature, also known as an email footer, is separate from the main body of the email. Therefore, it is important to remember that the signature you use should not overwhelm the content of your message.

In other words, email signatures tell your reader who you are, what your company is, and how to contact you.

An email signature enables you to fulfill the following functionalities:

  • Provide your recipients with your and the company’s contact information in a clear and digestible way 
  • Boost brand awareness by using a particular design that aligns with your company’s color palette and overall aesthetic 
  • Make your email stand out from the otherwise crowded inbox of your recipients
  • Drive traffic to your respective social media channels via hyperlinks 
  • Give your emails a touch of professionalism and style
  • Show consistency across the company, with all team members using a similar template

With Neo, you can easily create effective email signatures by formatting and adding elements according to your needs. Neo also offers easy access to customizable email signature templates that you can edit according to your needs.

Bottom Line

Email signatures can make your messaging simpler and easier. All you need to do is add a few details in the signature section for the recipient to know them. However, as we mentioned earlier, not everyone may be well-versed with the format of creating these signatures. So, the best thing to do is refer to an email signature template. You can find such customizable templates on email signature generators like Neo. Choose your preferred email signature template and start messaging your clients or customers right away.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I create a professional email signature?

You can follow some crucial steps to create a professional email signature. Start by adding your professional first and last names. Later, add your affiliation information, like your job title and department. This includes adding your secondary contact information, like a contact number. You may also consider adding your social media profile icons and links, including a call-to-action if needed. Consider using an email signature template to make your work easier. 

2. How can I add a digital signature to my email?

Choose an email service provider of your choice. Go to the messages section and click on options. Then, click on the dialogue box launcher in the more options section. Later, click on security settings and then select the ‘add digital signature’ that you can find in the message checkbox. Click on the OK option and then click on Close.

3. How should a specific email signature look?

The name on your email signature should stand out and highlight your profile or business. Make sure to use a large, readable font. The design of the email signature should be minimal. In other words, less is more. You must also add your title and department of the specific organization you belong to. Make sure to include your email address and phone number. You may also add your company logo and name if it's relevant.

4. Can I get an email signature template for free?

Yes, it is possible to get free email signature templates. Many websites and email service providers offer customizable templates that are free to download and use. Some popular platforms where you can find free email signature templates include HubSpot and Neo. You can customize your templates by adding your details, social media links, logos, and other relevant information to create a professional and polished email signature.

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