Email Validation: How do you Validate an Email Address via Email Verifier or Email Checker? 

August 8, 2024
14 Minutes
Modified on:
August 8, 2024
Written by:
Swati Bucha
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Email Validation: How do you Validate an Email Address via Email Verifier or Email Checker?

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Email has become a cornerstone of professional and personal communication, with over 4 billion active users. Email marketing has become the most common form of advertising method, with over 85% of brands finding this tool important for their marketing efforts. 

However, the effectiveness of email marketing efforts can be severely compromised by invalid or outdated email addresses. Bounced emails, spam traps, and unresponsive recipients can harm your sender’s reputation and reduce the efficacy of your campaigns. This is where an email verifier creates value.

Verifying email addresses before you hit send can ensure your messages land in the right inboxes, enhancing deliverability and engagement rates. If you want to understand email validation to boost your marketing and drive maximum conversions, continue reading to learn more!

In this blog, we'll explore how to validate email addresses using email verifiers and checkers and explain how to choose an email checker tool for your business. 

What is Email Validation?

Email validation is a crucial process that scans the email addresses in your contact list and ensures their accuracy to enhance the deliverability of your email campaigns. It involves a series of systematic checks designed to verify whether an email address is correctly formatted, exists on the specified domain, and can successfully receive emails, all by using an email checker.

This process is essential for maintaining a clean email list, reducing bounce rates, and improving overall email campaign effectiveness by ensuring you don’t email spam traps or temporary email IDs, thereby increasing your sender’s reputation. 

If your sender’s score or reputation is low, then the recipient’s Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will flag all the communication from you as spam and add you to a block list. It is a common issue that most businesses face when they have to send bulk emails daily. Hence, improving your sender’s reputation is of utmost importance. 

Understand the Email Validation Process

An email verifier uses a collection of complex checks to ensure that all the email addresses in your contact list are active and can receive emails. An email checker uses the following validation process:

1. Syntax Check

The first step in the email validation process is to verify that the email address is correctly formatted according to standard email syntax rules. This includes:

  • Ensuring the presence of an "@" symbol.
  • Checking for a valid domain (e.g., .com, .net, .org).
  • Validating that the local part (before the @) and the domain part (after the @) contain only permissible characters.

2. Domain Check

After confirming the syntax, the next step is to ensure that the domain exists and is operational. The domain email address functions like your virtual address, ensuring all the emails are routed to your address. This involves:

  • Email verifiers check the DNS (Domain Name System) records to verify the existence of the domain.
  • The checkers ensure that the domain has a valid MX (Mail Exchange) record, which indicates that it can receive emails.
  • Some email providers also offer a domain verification process with DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail), and the email verifier checks this, too. The DKIM is an authentication protocol that reduces the chances of email spoofing and ensures that the email indeed belongs to the domain it is sent from.

3. Mail Server Validation 

This step involves communicating with the mail server to confirm that the specific email address exists. It includes:

  • Using the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), the outbound email protocol, to simulate sending an email to the address.
  • An email checker observes the server’s response to determine if the address is deliverable or will result in a hard bounce (your email will never reach a particular recipient). This is in contrast to a soft bounce, which is a temporary deliverability issue where emails will eventually be delivered. When there is a hard bounce, it means that delivery to this address results in a permanent failure. 

4. Role-Based Account Detection 

Email checker tools can identify whether an email address is role-based (e.g.,, rather than associated with a specific individual. Role-based emails are often less valuable for marketing purposes and may require different handling.

5. Spam Trap and Blacklist Check 

Some email addresses are set up as spam traps to catch spammers. The email checker can evaluate the email address against known spam trap databases and blacklists to ensure that the address does not pose a risk to your sender's reputation.

6. Disposable Email Detection 

Disposable email addresses are temporary and often used for short-term purposes, such as 10-Minute Mail or 5-Minute Mail. Email validation tools can identify these addresses to help you avoid including them in your email list and streamline your marketing campaigns.

Benefits of Email Validation

There are several benefits associated with the email validation process, including enhancing your sender’s reputation to ensure you can seamlessly use email blast tools to send mass emails. Let’s have a look at each of these advantages.

1. Improved Deliverability 

Email verifier ensures that your messages reach real and active inboxes, reducing bounce rates and enhancing deliverability.

2. Enhanced Sender Reputation 

High bounce rates and sending emails to invalid addresses can damage your sender's reputation. Email validation helps maintain a good reputation with ISPs (Internet Service Providers), further contributing to efficient email delivery. 

3. Cost Efficiency 

By removing invalid or low-quality addresses from your list, you save on email marketing costs. As most email service providers charge based on the number of emails sent or the size of your list, by only keeping active addresses, you can significantly reduce cost and reinvest it elsewhere. 

4. Better Engagement 

A clean email list means your messages are more likely to reach engaged and interested recipients. This leads to higher open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement, thus making your marketing campaigns more successful. 

5. Accurate Analytics 

With a validated email list, your email marketing analytics become more reliable, giving you a clearer picture of your campaign performance and audience behavior. An email checker provides you with data that enables you to understand your resource consumption and how you can improve and streamline them.  

How to Choose an Email Validation Tool for Your Business

Invalid or outdated email addresses can lead to high bounce rates, damage your sender's reputation, and ultimately affect the success of your campaigns. If you want to ensure that your emails reach their intended recipients, an email checker is essential. However, so many options are available that choosing the right one for your business can be tricky. Let’s look at some factors to consider when selecting an email verifier.

1. Features

You should ensure the tool can detect and correct syntax errors, provide domain verification services, and detect spam traps. It should also have a high accuracy rate with quick bulk email validation services. 

2. Pricing

You should evaluate the cost of the tool and whether it fits within your budget. Compare different pricing models to see which one offers the best value for your needs.

3. Robust Support

Good customer support can make a significant difference. You should prefer the email verifier that offers responsive and helpful customer service with live chat, email support, and customer helpline.

4. Ease of Use

The email checker tool should be user-friendly and provide seamless integration with the platform you use for your operations. It should also be easy for anyone to use, regardless of their technical background and knowledge.

Top Email Validation Tools

With more advancement in email marketing infrastructure, email validation tools are flooding the market. Are you looking for email verification platforms that will help your email campaigns? Look at the best email verifier tools ideal for businesses of all types and sizes. 

1. ZeroBounce

ZeroBounce offers email validation services that detect invalid email addresses, spam traps, abusive emails, and catch-all domains. It provides an API, allowing you to check bulk emails and easily integrate them into your legacy systems or email platforms like Neo

Overall, ZeroBounce is designed to enhance your email deliverability and sender reputation seamlessly. With a user-friendly interface and detailed reporting, ZeroBounce is a robust solution for businesses looking to maintain high email deliverability and protect their sender reputation.

Key features:

  • ZeroBounce efficiently identifies and removes invalid email addresses, ensuring that only deliverable addresses remain on your list.
  • ZeroBounce uses AI tools to analyze your contact list and give your contacts a score depending on how likely the email address is valid and able to receive your communication. 
  • DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) monitoring to ensure that scammers are not impersonating you and sending emails to your leads.

2. Hunter

Hunter provides services that go beyond email validation. It is a powerful tool for email outreach programs, such as lead discovery, cold emailing, consumer segmentation, and integration with your current email provider with SMTP-IMAP support and API. Furthermore, Hunter offers a range of plans for all your needs, including a free tier and a dedicated enterprise quote. 

Key features:

  • Hunter verifies bulk email addresses by domain, checking the deliverability of emails associated with specific domains.
  • It performs thorough checks to ensure that the email addresses are deliverable, reducing bounce rates and enhancing deliverability to maintain your sender’s reputation.
  • The email verifier provides tools for finding email addresses associated with specific domains or companies, aiding in lead generation and outreach. 

3. NeverBounce

NeverBounce offers email verification and list cleaning services. This email checker can integrate with over 80 apps and platforms and provides API, allowing you to manage your email operations from a single interface. Moreover, NeverBounce grants users validation automation through systemic email cleaning, syncing with your email client or host for real-time verification, and removing email duplication and redundancies.

Key features:

  • NeverBounce checks the validity of email addresses using advanced SMTP techniques for the presence of syntax errors and the use of disposable emails, among others, ensuring a high email delivery rate. 
  • The email verifier provides dynamic integration for all email platforms, from Google Workspace to new email hosting services like Neo. This feature makes the tool ideal for businesses of all sizes. 
  • With its easy-to-use dashboard, NeverBounce allows you to analyze your email list, clean it in real-time, and effectively identify email aliases, allowing you to run accept-all email address detection. 

Comparison Table of Email Validation Tools

Now that we have our top 3 email checker platforms let’s compare them to help you decide which tool best fits your needs. Our rating for these tools is based on their features, functionality, pricing, user-friendliness, and security.

Platform Rating Review Features
ZeroBounce 4.4/5 ZeroBounce is highly rated for its accuracy and reliability in email validation. It offers robust API integration and comprehensive email contact list-cleaning services. - High accuracy - Detects invalid emails, spam traps, abuse, catch-all domains - GDPR compliance
Hunter 4.3/5 Hunter specializes provides complete email outreach solutions. It's praised for its ease of use and integration capabilities with popular CRM platforms. - Email address verification - Domain search for high deliverability - Bulk verification
NeverBounce 4.2/5 NeverBounce offers reliable email verification services with high deliverability rates. It provides robust features for email automation, like automated syncing for real-time bulk cleaning. - Detects disposable emails - Role-based checks - Automated email validation service.

Wrapping up

Email validation is an essential practice for anyone relying on email communication, whether for marketing, customer service, or personal correspondence. By ensuring that email addresses are valid, deliverable, and active, you can maximize the effectiveness of your email campaigns, protect your sender reputation, and achieve better overall results.

Neo is a great option if you are looking for an email provider that offers domain verification and dynamic email management services, especially for small businesses. This platform helps you maintain a clean and high-quality email list and improve your marketing outcomes with features like read receipts, a complimentary one-page website, and email campaigning mode. It lets you confidently focus on growing your business. 

So, pick any of the email checkers from our list and integrate it with any of Neo’s plans today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Can soft bounces cause a decrease in my sender’s reputation?

Soft bounces, also known as unlink hard bounces, are not a serious problem. They usually occur when there is a network or server error or other technical issue. Soft bounces are temporary, and once the issue is resolved, your email will reach the recipient safely. So, no, soft bounces will not harm your sender’s reputation. 

Q2. Is it okay to validate my email list regularly?  

Ideally, you should validate your email list frequently, such as once a week if you rely more on email marketing or once a month. In any case, it is a good idea to clean your contact list before you send out an email campaign. 

Q3. Can email validation tools detect spam traps?  

Yes, many email validation tools can detect spam traps. These are email addresses set up by email providers and anti-spam groups to catch spammers. Identifying and removing these addresses from your list helps protect your sender's reputation and ensures your emails reach legitimate recipients.

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